
Supercell utilizes Japanese photoshop meme and hashtag campaign for advertising

Finland's Supercell performs various original promotion in Japan.

See also:
Supercell broadcasts new TV CM of Clash of Clans in Japan
Supercell carried out Japan's original promotion for New Year holidays

They started the original promotion for Japanese users more from this week. This is "#クラクラコラージュ選手権(Clash of Clans Collage Grand Prix)".

This is associated with the TV commercials that they broadcasted in Japan now. They contribute two kinds of collage material "略奪する女(The woman who plunders)" and "略奪される男(The man who is plundered)" in a campaign site, and raise collage works using them in Twitter.

Twitter users like making crappy collage works and tweet them, and Japanese people are particularly so. They even do the worst situation in photoshop meme and enjoy it as a joke. If you are familiar with social media, I should know "#ISISクソコラグランプリ(ISIS Crappy Collage Grand Prix)".

See also:
Japanese netizens personified ISIS as cute girls at last

They want to utilize the such characteristic of Japanese people for advertising. Goods of Clash of Clans are presented to 20 users who made cool works.

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